The Frontier Book Mobile will be out and about again tomorrow, June 13. Summer Reading helps children maintain their reading skills. Reading is a skill that takes regular practice, however it can be hard to keep your children reading on a regular basis over the summer months. That's why summer reading programs are a great way to maintain your child's reading skills as they provide a format and continued motivation for your child to continue reading and learning throughout the summer holidays. #LifeLongReaders
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Book Mobile
Have you downloaded our school's app yet? It's free and will help keep you in the know about school events, cafeteria menus, staff members, and student awards and recognition. It is our best way to let you know what is happening at Frontier Public Schools. Download it today! #MustangPride #BetterTogether
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
The Frontier Book Mobile will make its first trip of the summer tomorrow, June 6. We encourage all of our young readers to take advantage. Summer reading supports reluctant readers. Oftentimes reluctant readers need a different approach to reading that involves an activity rather than just sitting in a chair. Summer reading programs are wonderful for switching up your child's learning routine and providing a variety of activities to engage your child. This is perfect for reluctant readers, who often need something more interactive to keep them interested in reading.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Book Mobile
Daebrein Williams, 5th grade, won 2nd place in the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence Virtual Colonial Days Essay Contest. The theme was being an Agent of Change. This was a statewide contest for 5th graders. Our class watched the virtual meetings with actors portraying Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and others from the colonial period. We joined in discussions about what it means to be an agent of change and how some of our founding fathers displayed those qualities. Daebrein received a check for $100 and the class received a box of social studies games and activities.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
5th Grade Kit
Coach Collins would like to invite the parents of all 7th grade through HS girls basketball players to a parent information meeting on Tuesday May 17th at 6:30 in the Cafeteria.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Elementary fun day, sponsored by student council, is always a wonderful gift to the elementary students and teachers! Thank you Rhonda McCormick for always making it such a fantastic day. You and the high school volunteers are amazing and we appreciate you!!
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
find day
fun day
fun day
fun day
Tonight we celebrated the academic sucesses of our students and our teachers of the year. Congratulations to our District Teacher of the Year, Julie Wilber. Well done Mustangs!
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Julie Wilber
Elementary honor roll
JH honor roll
HS Superintendent's Honor roll
Thank you all for donating money to our student awards fund during Mustang Miles! The kids that earned $15 or more enjoyed their dodgeball party, popsicles, chips, pops, pixie sticks, and extra recess.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Reminder: 7-12 grade laptop checkin is tomorrow. Please remember to bring laptop, charger and bag.
over 2 years ago, Grant Williams
Tonight's 8th grade graduation will be live streamed. Congratulations to all of our 8th grade students as they move on to high school next year!
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Our Students of the Month were honored today at the May Board of Education meeting. Well done Caleb Ginn, Garrett Kodesh, and Ali Sneath. We are proud of our Mustangs and all of their accomplishments. #BetterTogether #FrontierPride
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
 Garrett Kodesh
Ali Sneath
Caleb Ginn
It’s the last week of school! Don’t miss out on any activities: check the school app and/or website for all events and details. SUNDAY, May 8, 2022 -Choir in Branson -Baccalaureate for 8th & 12th Grades MONDAY, May 9, 2022 -Kindergarten Field Trip -8th Grade Graduation TUESDAY, May 10, 2022 -7-12 Gr. AR Reward Trip -11th Gr. AP Exam -Academic Banquet WEDNESDAY, May 11, 2022 -7th & 8th Grade Field Trip -Athletic Banquet -Title VI Meeting THURSDAY, May 12, 2022 -LAST DAY OF SCHOOL -HS Awards Assembly -Elementary Awards Assembly -Kindergarten Promotion FRIDAY, May 13, 2022 -1st Day of Summer Break -Senior Graduation All events with times can be found on our school app and our school website Please use those for the most current information as events are subject to change based on weather or other unforeseen issues. Please contact the sponsors /coaches/teachers of any activities you may have questions about.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
last week
Don't forget to check the school website for pictures of spring events, taken by the yearbook class.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Pawnee IHS Dental Clinic will return Thursday, May 5 to apply dental sealants to applicable 5th and 6th grade students. Dental reports were sent home last week.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
super teeth
Congratulations to the Frontier Elementary Honor Choir for receiving superior, sweepstakes ratings at the Heartland Music Festival today 4/30/2022. Area bands and choir participate and compete throughout the day then enjoy an evening at Fro tier City. Morgan Williams was honored as an outstanding singer for the day! Congrats!!
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
honor choir
honor choir
honor choir
Frontier High School Prom tonight 4/30/2022. All prom events to take place at 7 Clans Casino Red Rock. Promenade 6:30 Prom 7:00-10:00
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Frontier prom will be at the 7 Clans banquet room. Promenade starts at 6:30. Prom is from 7;00 to 10:00 PM.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Students in grades PreK-6th were able to participate in Mustang Miles today sponsored by the Otoe Missouria Development Authority (OMDA) & Oklahoma Tribal Engagement Partners (OkTEP). Thank you to all of our volunteers, teachers, and students for a great day of healthy outdoor activity.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Mustang miles
hula hoop
Fifth and Sixth graders are enjoying their end of year dance! Thanks to Mrs. Disel,and the dance committee for making this happen! A special thanks to Holly Mchughes for making the photo booth and Joni Neitzler, Meagan Moss, and Mrs. Kiespert for chaperoning.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
The end of school is full of events! Don't miss out! Check the school app and website for dates, times, and locations of all events. MONDAY, May 2, 2022 -Senior Class Trip -Makeup State Testing TUESDAY, May 3, 2022 -State Testing 5th & 8th Grades -State FFA Convention -Pawnee Smithsonian Exhibit WEDNESDAY, May 4, 2022 -State Testing 5th & 8th Grades -FFA State Convention -Girls Golf State Tournament -1st Grade Field Trip -State Softball Special Olympics @ The Battlefields -Senior AP Exams -Title VI Parent Meeting THURSDAY, May 5, 2022 -Girls Golf State Tournament -State Track -5th/6th Grade Field Trip FRIDAY, May 6, 2022 -Choir to Branson -State Track -3rd Grade Field Trip -4th Grade Field Trip -FFA Banquet SATURDAY, May 7, 2022 -Choir to Branson -State Track All events with times can be found on our school app and our school website Please use those for the most current information as events are subject to change based on weather or other unforeseen issues. Please contact the sponsors /coaches/teachers of any activities you may have questions about.
over 2 years ago, Frontier Public Schools
Upcoming Events