Prom season is here, we are accepting donations for the prom closet!

On Monday, March 3, students in grades 8, 10, and 11 traveled to Newkirk for a collaborative session with Reality U, a program designed to help young people develop essential personal financial skills. Through interactive engagement, Reality U prepares students for adult life by giving them hands-on experiences in managing their finances.
During the session, students were given realistic financial scenarios that included their monthly income, credit card debt, student loan information, and marital and family status. They then transferred this information into a student passport and made purchases at twelve different booths, each representing a product or service that adults typically need to purchase or consider every month. These products and services reflected the current economic values of the area, allowing students to make informed financial decisions.
As the students navigated through the booths, they learned how their decisions affected their financial bottom line. The goal was to make choices that wouldn’t result in their check registers falling below zero. In some cases, students had to return a purchase and reconsider their options, reinforcing the importance of thoughtful financial decision-making.
This event not only engaged students but also highlighted the crucial role education plays in shaping their financial futures. It encouraged students to understand the impact of their choices on long-term financial stability, while also involving the community in supporting student learning. By participating in Reality U, students gained a better understanding of the world of work and how to manage their finances as they move toward adulthood.

Congratulations to the winners of our school spelling bee!
Students from fourth through eighth grades competed. These talented spellers will now advance to the next level-the Osage County Interlocal Cooperative (OCIC) Spelling Bee in Hominy on March 12th.
Best of luck to our students as they continue on to the next level.

FITYL meeting during HS lunch, March 10th

Honorary Captain


Congratulations to these basketball players for making the 89ers All-Conference team! Well deserved!

Frontier Board Vacancy Notification (please see attached info)

Elementary February Mustangs of the Month

Elementary January Students of the Month

Read Across America Week

Congratulations to Payten Linn for being selected to receive her State FFA Degree.

Can you believe a 4th grade student built this trailer? Absolutely incredible! Huge congratulations to Hazel Bolay, a Frontier Elementary student, for taking the Division Champion at the Noble County Livestock Show! Your hard work and talent is truly inspriring-way to go, Hazel!

Our elementary students and staff had a fantastic time cheering on the Lady Mustangs as they headed off to the area tournament on Thursday! We are so proud of their hard work and dedication. Wishing both teams the best of luck today-go Mustangs!!

Middle School Announcement:
Valentines were handed out today. If your student did not get what was ordered please contact the Middle School office on Monday.
N7 forms were passed out today. Completed forms are due Monday.

Medford will be streaming today's girl's game at YouTube@MHSCards at 1:00

All students are welcome to attend.

Order your yearbook online, look at flyer for more information

Thank you!!

Congratulations to the Frontier Mustangs for winning the Regional Tournament and the Lady Mustangs for winning Consolation, both advancing to the Area tournament!