eye chart

Vision screenings are Friday, January 20. All students are eligible. Your student will bring home an exclusion form to be signed if you DO NOT want them to be screened. Please contact Nurse Whitney with any questions. 580-723-4582 x124 or whitney.malaska@frontierok.com

Vizavance, formerly Prevent Blindness Oklahoma, received an email from a mother expressing gratitude. Her son was referred during a vision screening at a local OKC daycare. In her letter, she shared, "My twelve-month-old son failed the SPOT vision screening. I took him to an ophthalmologist who confirmed your findings. He was diagnosed with congenital cataracts causing amblyopia. His vision was 20/80 in the left eye; after three years of treatment, his vision is currently 20/20! I am so thankful and blessed for your service." This child, along with thousands of other children who received exams and glasses as a result of a school vision screening, is doing better in school now. For this reason, Vizavance, formerly Prevent Blindness Oklahoma continues to work each year to help improve vision for the children of Oklahoma. "25% of school-aged children have an undiagnosed vision problem," reports Dianna Bonfiglio, President/CEO for Vizavance, formerly Prevent Blindness Oklahoma. During the previous school year, Vizavance screened over 300,000 children throughout the state of Oklahoma. Each year over 35,000 children are referred with possible vision problems for a comprehensive eye exam with their local optometrist or ophthalmologist. Vizavance strives to educate the public on the importance of eye screenings. "Many children will improve academically with vision correction," says Bonfiglio.

If vision is the problem, early detection and proper correction can prevent permanent vision loss and negative attitudes toward school. Vizavance's mission is “Advancing Children’s Education Through Better Vision.” "We want to continue to encourage school staff and parents to make sure children who are referred receive an exam and glasses if needed," Mrs.
Bonfiglio emphasized. Vizavance formerly Prevent Blindness Oklahoma is the only nonprofit agency in Oklahoma dedicated exclusively to advancing children's education through better vision and eye health and safety. Through their Children's Vision Screening Program, and a 35-year partnership with the Oklahoma Masons, free vision screening will be provided at:

Frontier Elementary School on 1/20/2023

Many children in Oklahoma can receive free exams and glasses through SoonerCare, Vision Service Plan benefits provided by Vizavance, formerly PBO, or through their Vision Quest assistance program. Replacement glasses can be received through the Changing Life Through Lenses program. Infants 0 -1 yr. old may receive a free exam through the InfantSee program provided by local optometrists. For information go to www.infantsee.org.

For more information on your child's eyesight contact Melanie Gamble at Vizavance, 1900 NW Expressway, Ste. R110, Oklahoma City, OK 73118, 405-848-7123 x 102, fax 405-848-6935